Friday, November 6, 2009

Earn Money for Shopping

With the Christmas Season quickly approaching many of use will be starting to think about all the shopping that will take place. If you are anything like me the first place I go to start my shopping is to the wonderful world of the Internet.

As you already know Wascher Elementary participates in the Box Tops 4 Education program to earn rewards for the school. However, one thing you may not know is that you can earn rewards for the school by buying items online at many of the stores you already shop at simple by going to the Box Tops Marketplace first.

I was amazed at how many stores are participating in the program and the range of rewards is anywhere from 0.5% to 10+%. If the school can earn 1% for items that I buy from Walmart online or 8% from Barnes and Nobles for the books that I would buy anyways I have to ask myself - Why not?

As far as I can tell the only drawback is that I have to go to the Box Tops Marketplace web site first and select the store I want to buy from. Once I select a store I am redirected to stores main site and proceed like normal. Simple, effective and best of all we help out our students.

Next time you go to make an online purchase check out the Box Top Marketplace and see if you can make a donation to the school in the process.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Family Movie Night - Date Change

It was announced tonight at the PTA meeting that the Family Movie Night at Wascher Elementary has been moved to January 8th at 6:30PM.

A movie has not been selected yet and the PTA is looking for suggestions. The only criteria is that the movie must be G-Rated. If you have suggestions feel free to leave a comment on this post and I will pass them along.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Washer PTA Updates

The following is from a recent e-mail sent out by Wascher PTA President Katie Gladwill:

Dawn Walters, our librarian will need some help at the book fair this month. She is doing a book fair at both Wascher and Newby, so she will need all the volunteers she can get. Also for every time slot that volunteers work, they will receive a voucher for $5.00 to spend at the book fair. Here are the time slots that she need volunteers for:

Monday 11/9
2:30 4:30 (Filled Thanks to Michele Archer)
Tuesday 11/10 4:00 8:00
Thursday 11/12 12:00
4:00 & 5:00 8:00
Friday 11/13 8:00

As most of you know, tomorrow is the flu/H1N1 vaccination clinic at the school, remember you need to have your consent forms at the school if you want your child to be vaccinated. The clinic will be open to the community who are in the targeted risk group after school. You should also bring proof that you fall into one of the risk categories if you go after school. Also, Kyra said that they will not be needing volunteers during the school hours, but they need some help after school from 3:00-4:00. If you are able to help, please let me know. Thanks!

Also, the Wascher PTA now has their own e-mail address, so if you have any questions, or if you are able to volunteer, please let us know at

Thank you everyone and I'll see you this Wednesday the 4th at 7:00pm for our next pta meeting!


-Katie Gladwill