Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Note from the Principal

I would like to thank everyone for helping us to meet our Jog-A-Thon goal this year!  I enjoyed coloring my hair pink, and so did the students.

I would also like to thank all of the parent volunteers for the month of September.  Compared to the volunteer hours from September of 2009, we have DOUBLED our volunteer hours!  If you are unable to volunteer during the day, don't forget to stop by our P.T.A. meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Your input and ideas are always welcome.

Just a reminder with Halloween coming soon, both staff and students do not wear costumes at our school. Some classrooms will have Harvest/Fall parties to celebrate the fall season. Teachers will let parents know party details in their classroom newsletters.

Thank you!
Brian Crain

It’s getting that time of year again for colds and the flu. Please follow the guidelines outlined in this weeks Newsletter  for when to keep your child at home.

You can find the Newsletter in the Tuesday folder or at the following links:

Monday, October 18, 2010

PTA Meeting - Principals Report

At every PTA meeting the Principal gives an overview of what has been happening at the school and the overall success of the students. If you have questions about the principals report please contact Principal Crain or attend the next PTA meeting on November 10th at 7PM.

P.T.A. Principals Report - 10/13/10

•2 Fire drills in September

•Fire alarm covers 
Fire Prevention 10/11 
Safe Kids Starts on 10/26
 Student Achievement 
In-class Assessments 
    –Class Reviews 
    –Common Formative Assessments 
•Math and Writing 
OAKS-Oregon Assessment of Knowledge and Skills 
    –Round 1 Reading (Nov.15-Dec.17) 
    –Round 1 Math and Science (Feb. 1-18) 
    –Round 2 Reading/Math/Science (April 4-15) 
    –Round 3 Reading/Math/Science (May2-19) 
School Report Card (Handout)

 School Climate 
Purple Hand Pledge Week 
Leadership Groups 4th/5th 
    –Green Team 
    –Campus Crew 
    –Doodle Dudes 
    –Rocking Readers 
    –Power Team 
4th/5th Choir 
Behavior & Attendance

November 5th 
    –½ Day for students early release 
November 8th 
    –4th Grade Writing Presentation to the Board 
Giant Pumpkin Estimation Contest 
School Site Council 
   School Improvement Plan 
Yamhill County Museum

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

State Report Cards

Every year the State of Oregon publishes State Report Cards and an Adequate Yearly Progress Report.  They released the latest reports earlier this month.  Check them out for yourself and see the amazing job that our students and staff have been doing.

The 2009-2010 report cards published in October 2010 can be seen at the following links:

2009-2010 Wascher State Report Card
2009-2010 Wascher State Report Card - Details
2009-2010 Wascher AYP Report

The official state run web site for archives and viewing of all report cards for all schools can be found at http://www.ode.state.or.us/data/reportcard/Reports.aspx.

Friday, October 1, 2010

2010 Joh-A-Thon

Thank you to everyone who helped raise funds for this years Jog-a-thon. The kids were excited and the music was loud. Mr Q set up the sound system outside and the Wascher students ran their little hearts out while oldies music filled the air:)

After running laps, the kids sat down for a treat of go-gurt as names were drawn for each class prize. We are still waiting on the final tally of money raised. Does Principal Crain get Pink Hair????