I would also like to thank all of the parent volunteers for the month of September. Compared to the volunteer hours from September of 2009, we have DOUBLED our volunteer hours! If you are unable to volunteer during the day, don't forget to stop by our P.T.A. meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Your input and ideas are always welcome.
Just a reminder with Halloween coming soon, both staff and students do not wear costumes at our school. Some classrooms will have Harvest/Fall parties to celebrate the fall season. Teachers will let parents know party details in their classroom newsletters.
Thank you!
Brian Crain
Brian Crain
It’s getting that time of year again for colds and the flu. Please follow the guidelines outlined in this weeks Newsletter for when to keep your child at home.
You can find the Newsletter in the Tuesday folder or at the following links: