Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Open House Success!

Thanks to all the parents, teachers, students, and staff that helped to make the 2011 open house a success! 

We hope that everyone enjoyed their time at Wascher!

Monday, September 19, 2011

You're Invited!

Tuesday, September 20, is this years open house. Bring your family and get to know your child's teacher and classmates! The cafeteria doors open at 6:30. There will be tables set up with information about the PTA,  volunteering, boy scouts, and other extra curricular activities available for the students at Wascher. Don't forget to drop in and introduce yourself to the music and PE teachers as well.

We look forward to seeing you!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Make Good Choices

Make Good Choices is this years theme, as you can see by the MGCs decorating the school's hallways. Students are being recognized for making good choices, please support your child in this by helping them come up with some good choices to make in various situations.

Tuesday folders were sent home yesterday full of information. Take a minute to look through them and sign the contract insert from the student handbook and talk it over with your student. 

Our first PTA meeting is tonight! Please come to learn more about what the PTA does for the school and what you can do to help. The meeting starts at 7, just follow the signs once you enter the school building.

Another thing to note for your calendar is this years open house, taking place on Tuesday, Sept. 20th from 6:30 - 8. Here is your chance to meet your child's new teacher, see their new classroom and visit with some of your student's friends. There will be information regarding other extra curricular activities available to your student as well. We look forward to see you there! 

Is your child interested in Legos? How about robotics? If so, look to the insert in your Tuesday folder for the first ever Lego League opportunity at Wascher!

Again, Welcome back. Let's make this year a great one!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Happy New School Year!

Welcome everyone to the 2011 - 2012 school year! School started at full speed on Tuesday with excited students and prepared teachers and staff.

You should have received the parent and student handbook in your Tuesday folders already. Please be sure to sign (and have your student sign) and return page 12 of the parent handbook. Also note that we have our first PTA meeting coming up on Wednesday, the 14th at 7pm. Everyone is invited to come and help parents and teachers work together to make our school stronger and our kids learning experience the best that it can be.

Again, welcome back to Wascher! Let's have a great year!