Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Family Movie Night!!!

Mark your calendars!
Wascher Elementary will be hosting a Family Movie Night on November 20th January 8th at 6:30PM. Stay tuned for movie information and more details.

Friday, October 16, 2009

McMinnville Scool District E-News

It seems that our school district is starting to come into the Internet age and has set up a e-mail news list. There still is not an RSS feed or automatic sign up but if you want to get periodic news updates they will provide them.

Here is the information from the District web site:

"Sign up for E-News to receive updates about your schools electronically. Get the latest news and information about upcoming events. Send an email to Marcia in Communications:"

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Easy Way To Recycle!

In this weeks take home packet I found a flier for the "Little Red School House" project at Roth's. If you are anything like my family we drink a lot that comes from recyclable containers but do not find ourselves taking the bottles and cans back to the store very often. We currently have several bags full just waiting. Well, now there is a simpler approach then standing in line at the recycle machines in the store and you get to help out our schools in the process. Roth's has set up a "Little Red School House" in front of their store where anyone can donate Oregon deposit cans and plastic bottles. All proceeds that are donated are given to local area K-8 schools. It does not say if you can specify which school but all the kids in the district need our support.

I know my family will be clearing out some space and taking those bags of bottle to the "Little Red School House."

Thank You to Roth's for helping support our Schools!