Thursday, September 23, 2010

2010 Open House

We had a great turn out for the 2010-2011 Open House! Students and parents were directed to the cafeteria where several informational booths were set up. Parents could chat with a representative or grab some info on the local Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts, KOB, SMART Program, Walk to School Wednesdays, the PTA, and more.

The library was open for perusal and was offering free books for the kids to take home. Wascher students love to read!

The students' classroom were open as were the gym and music room. Teachers and Staff were there to introduce themselves and answer any questions.

The evening ended with a presentation in the gym given by Principal Crain. He highlighted his goals for Wascher Elementary, did a quick update on the scheduled events coming up and led the students in the new school cheer.

Thank you to all who attended. Let's make this a stellar year at Wascher Elementary!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Annual Jog-a-thon

Did you check your child's back pack today? The jog-a-thon paperwork came home with the students for the up and coming annual fundraiser. Start calling, emailing, and texting all those relatives, friends, co-workers, and neighbors to support your child as they run and run and run! The Jog-a-thon is scheduled for Friday, October 1st and pledges and paperwork must be turned in by the event.

The fundraiser will help purchase additional equipment for the playground and the goal amount this year is $5,500.00. If we hit that goal, Principal Crain will die his hair pink and spike it! What a great motivational image for the kids:) So go and get started collecting pledges!

PTA Meeting Notes

As promised we will be posting the meeting minutes from the PTA Meetings.  We now have the minutes from the first meeting online and available.  You can read them by following this link.

McMinnville School District News

Many of us who use the internet to get the majority of our information rely on sites that use RSS or Atom feeds to pump that information directly to us.  I personally use Google Reader to put all the latest bits of news and information in one place.  I get technology reviews, updates on blogs that I follow (including this one), latest promotions from my favorite stores and now I can get the latest from our school district.

The McMinnville School District has added an RSS feed for all their latest news.  This is something that I had been asking about last year and over the summer they got it in place.  It is great to see that the school district is implementing new ways to keep everyone informed.  If you are a user of any feed readers then point it over to and subscribe for the latest and some of the most important news that we as parents need to hear.

Friday, September 10, 2010

First PTA Meeting

This past Wednesday night was the first PTA meeting of the year.  There was a great turnout with 18 parents and staff members in attendance.  Discussions quickly got underway about all the plans and goals that the PTA has for the upcoming year.  Topics discussed included the upcoming Jog-a-Thon, fund raising ideas, what color to dye the Principles hair, potentials for increasing school programs and many other fun and important areas.  We will have complete meeting minutes posted shortly.

The PTA is excited about the new school year and as always encourages every parents support and participation.  If you are interested in learning more about this great organization you can attend the next meeting on October 13th at 7:00 PM in the community room at Wascher or you can contact PTA President Erica Bailey at

Thursday, September 9, 2010

New School Web Site!!!!

The staff at our great school have been working hard this summer to get everything ready for the new year.  As all the parents and students know Wascher has a new principle, Brian Crain.  One of the many projects that Mr. Crain has been working on is improving the school web site.  I am happy to announce that the new version is now live and is looking great!!  Like all great works this is still a work in progress but knowing the staff at Wascher I know that it will only get better.  
At the moment the old links and web address are still pointing at the old web site.  Hopefully this will be resolved in the next few days.  In the meantime you can visit the new web site at the following address:

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to school Wascher Wildcats! I watched parents and kids alike pile into the school this morning with excited chatter and happy smiles. The teachers and staff are ready and the school itself is decorated and festive. The start of school is here!

Remember, the first PTA meeting is tomorrow, September 8 @ 7 pm. Please join us and take an active part in your child's education.

Another reminder, the first of the year open house will be held on September 21 @ 6:30 pm. This is a great time for the whole family to come and take a look at the school, the staff, and the environment in which are children learn. Mark your calendars.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Which class is your child in?

The classroom assignments have been posted on the front window of the school. Make sure to run by and check which class your student is in before Tuesday so they are ready to go!

The 2010 - 2011 school year starts this Tuesday, September 7th and 8 am. Pack the lunches, gather the school supplies and send them on in!

The first PTA meeting of the year will be taking place this Wednesday, the 8th at 7 pm. Join in to help make the school year great for your children!

The 2010 - 2011 school year is here!