Thursday, December 31, 2009

Family Movie Night - Ice Age

The movie for the upcoming
Family Movie Night on January 8th has been chosen!

Ice Age:  Dawn of the Dinosaur (PG)

Admission is free, Bring your whole family!
Suggested 5 General Mills box tops or
Campbell's Soup Labels per person for admission,

Parents must accompany children.
Bottled water, licorice and popcorn will be available for purchase,
so remember to bring a dollar or two

Doors open 30 minutes prior to show time. Show starts at 6:30.

We hope to see everyone there!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

1st and 2nd Grade Holiday Program a Success!

On Tuesday, December 15th, parents, family, and friends filled the gym to support the combined classes of the first and second grade for the Wascher Holiday program. The participation of both the students and families was exceptional!

The students have been working for the past couple of months on the program based on the book "Hurry Santa" written by Julie Skyes and Tim Warnes.The kids did an excellent job, thanks to the wonderful guidance from Mrs. Lay. I'm sure that everyone looks forward to more entertaining shows in the future. A big thank you to Mrs. Lay and to all the staff at Wascher Elementary who made this special holiday show possible.

Video to come

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

You Can Donate $$ Directly To Your Child's Classroom!

Did you know that you can donate $$ right to your child's classroom? The money is to be used only in your child's classroom at the discretion of the teacher. No red tape, no crazy paperwork, just a moment of your time and a bit of your budget. Is your child's education all that you dreamed? A small donation to their classroom can help provide the craft supplies, teaching tools, or little extras that can make their learning experience amazing. Think about it. Maybe instead of purchasing that extra or extra,extra toy for Christmas, write a check to the school and help your children get everything they can out of their education. Which do you think they'll get more out of? One more wrapped gift under the tree or a better/more memorable school year?

All you need to do is run into the school office (open during school hours), drop off a check, and let them know what classroom you'd like it to go to. As my first grader says, "Easy Peasy!"

If you have questions, please leave a comment or better yet, call the school at 503-565-5400. I can guarantee that they'll be happy to discuss details or any questions that you have regarding donations:)

Give the Gift of Learning

The Holiday Season is now upon us and in the spirit of Christmas many are pondering over the gift of giving. Giving to the poor in our community, giving to local churches and non-profits, giving to friends and to our families.

However, there is one way of giving that until recently I had not thought about in the same way, giving to our children by giving to the school.

Parents are usually asked to give to the school through a fundraiser, a book-sale or other organized event. Those things are all wonderful but what if we just gave to our school for the sake of giving and not because someone organized it.

My wife and I were talking that we currently tithe regularly at our church, give to local charities and support a child overseas. Why do we not support our child's school in the same way.

Wascher Elementary currently has two donation funds set up, a book fund and a needy student fund. You can also make a donation directly to your child's classroom or ask if there are other special needs that the school has that you may want to help with.

The donations are tax-deductible and will go directly to the area that you specify. So, during this Holiday Season as you are contemplating the gifts you will be giving consider your child's education. Consider a donation to Wascher.

The teachers and staff give everyday to our kids, and we are greatful for all they do. Let us show our support in the ways that we can. Some can give time, some can give supplies, some can give notes of appreciation and some can give financially.